Durham Wildlife Trust has marked its half-century by unveiling its 50th nature reserve. The Trust launched its ‘50@50’ campaign two years ago – aiming to grow its number of nature reserves from 42 to 50 by the end of its 50th anniversary year. And its latest acquisition, which will be known as Cuthbert’s […]
Bradford Council wins recognition for restoration of Ilkley Moor
The restoration of Ilkley Moor by Bradford Council has received recognition for making the iconic landscape better suited for benefiting nature, the climate and people. In the Yorkshire Post the landowner and its moorland management partners have been congratulated on the progress made to conserve rare heathlands, restore carbon-rich peatlands and […]
Extinction looms for Peak District’s iconic mountain hares
New research by Manchester Metropolitan University and Queen’s University Belfast published in the journal Ecology and Evolution has warned that just 3,500 mountain hares remain in England. The study found that the iconic species which is only found in the Peak District is holding out in areas of moorlands where their […]
COP26 deal issues a rallying cry to rewild Britain’s uplands
As the world inches closer to 2030, the deadline scientists have identified as the last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change, world leaders have signed the major Glasgow Climate Pact to help decarbonise economies and rewild the world. Rewilding land is key The Glasgow Climate Pact “emphasises the importance of protecting, […]
Environment Act offers fresh opportunities for restoring Britain’s uplands
As royal assent is given to the Environment Act, which is intended to protect and enhance our environment for future generations, we explore the implications of the legislation on harmful practices in the uplands and highlight opportunities for new income streams for land-based climate solutions. Halt species decline by 2030 Campaigners […]